Monday, June 16, 2008

Updated: Auguste Ciuksaite

Anyone remember the deeply mysterious Auguste Ciuksaite who was profiled almost two months ago (well two months to the day, as of tomorrow)? Well Maud and Penelope at FDIB were kind enough to update us all on her development. It seems as if Auguste now has a last name, and an agency in Milan, Elite. I still think Auguste is perhaps one of the strongest new Lithuanian girls at the moment, and I truly hope her time in Milan is well spent. More than anything, I'm desperately hoping that someone in Paris picks her up as soon as possible to start really developing this girl (sentiments echoed flawlessly over at FDIB).

(all images courtesy of Elite Milan)

Auguste still maintains that dark stare even in layers of sequins, and I appreciate that. Yes, I know that there have been one too many brooding, long-faced brunettes as of late, but that should be changing this week. Thanks again to Maud and Penelope for cluing me in on Auguste's developments. You girls are wonderful!


Nor said...


Charlotte said...

She is pretty but she should do something with her hair.

..... said...

she looks nice !! she looks french by the way

Anonymous said...

i love her. for me she is the best new face a saw recently!